Friday, November 16, 2012

Vampire Academy / VA / Dimitri

Just about to finish my latest reading series... Vampire Academy! It is different than your average Vampire read.
First of all, the main character is a total badass, and she is one of the few female leads who admits that she knows she's pretty. None of the usual "I don't understand what he sees in plain little old me?"
Second, there are six books! And not one of them sucks! Cough...New Moon...cough.
Third, there is action, romance, suspense, comedy, everything! And it works.
The author, Richelle Mead, keeps the story at an easy-to-follow pace. And the cliff hangers....ahhh! The guys are also yummy :). Just trust me and try it out. Never mind that the girl on the first book's cover looks like Angelina Jolie. Ignore that and give it a whirl. You'll be happy you did! The reading order is here.


When I bring an image to mind of Dimitri from Vampire Academy, I see this guy (you may know him from the Twilight movies as Felix):

Tall, handsome, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and he's played a vampire, so we know that he can pull off looking Strigoi if he ever needed to... He just needs to grow his hair out a little. Btw, his name is Daniel Cudmore.